About Us
Founded in 2008 as a 501(c)3 non- profit corporation
Established to increase the delivery of medical care to isolated and culturally diverse communities where high mountain ranges contribute to the difficulties in accessing medical care.
Through embracing cultural diversity and providing access to good health care we hope to promote cross cultural understanding and acceptance.
Join us and become a Medical Diplomat,
Carolyn Lafleur, MD
Founder and Chair
Ryan Budwany, MD
Executive Director
Our Partners:
WV Health Right, Red Cross, AKDN, United Way,
The United Methodist Committee on Relief, MDReliance, ECHO

Our Vision

“Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative
altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.”
2024 Mission Update:
Because we understand the personal and global burden of breast cancer we are now focused on promoting breast self exams and early cancer detection with ultrasound and mammograms.
Our programs in Tajikistan and India have started and have also included Third year medical students as a way of incouraging a global consciousness in young emerging doctors.
The program in Tajikistan started in 2023 and partnering with local doctors we trained a team of 5 nurses who have been working in the Punjar mountains along the Afgan border.
In India we expanded our work at Indiresh hospital in Deradun to include the radiation oncology department and we continued our work with in the Tibetan communities in Dehradun and Dharmsala. We also expanded southward to Ankleshar to the Mody Hospital and met with the Gandhi family members on the board of that hospital.

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Please fill out form above to volunteer and for all inquiries including our free telehealth services by MDReliance for qualified applicants.